xemowhorex's Diaryland Diary



so fucking tired. i actually slept really well last night. got to bed at about 9:30pm. only woke up once around 2:20am that i noticed. still tired. i know being so very fat doesn't help but really this can't be normal.

both alkaline trio/ american steel shows were amazing. the guy i sold my other ticket for the cafe du nord show to was really nice. and the hour and a half wait in line really wasn't awkward at all. i had originally felt a little guilty about selling a ticket to a free show. but turns out it wasn't exactly a free show after all. they weren't letting any one who didn't win the contest in. so $40 seamed more reasonable then. there were some other people in line that i talked to through out the show also. all but one were from out of town. some were from Illinois. some from so. cal. one girl was from sf and i kind of wish i'd given her my e-mail or myspace or something to stay in touch. she was nice, and i suck at making friends. would have been cool to maybe have some one to hang out with or go to shows with every now and again. i think i know how to find her though. she's in the blood pact (alkaline trio fan club) so am i. only she post to their message boards and she gave me enough information that i think i know who she is on there. but that might seam a little stalkery. any one have an opinion on that? it's kind of scary how good i am at finding people. seriously if i ever got it in my head to actually become a real life not in a joking sense official stalker i would be incredibly efficient.

speaking of the shows and being a stalker. american steel. they are an amazing band. plus they are local. plus they tend to play with a lot of other bands that i like. this equates to me going to most of their shows around here. about a year or so ago lana was engaged and she wanted their other bad communiqu� to play her wedding. we asked rory (singer/guitarist in the band) and he said it was possible. so we e-mailed him a couple times and i think we were a little (lot) pushy about it. hence (i assume hopefully out of paranoia) searing our images in his mind. we are pretty fucking memorable any way. i also tend to take a lot of pictures. my point is i think they may be under the impression that i'm a little obsessive. hopefully that's all in my head and they don't even recognize me when i go to their shows. i don't want to be the nut job fan girl. course the fact that i think that they might think that i'm a stalker is probably enough alone to earn the nut job fan girl title. at least the nut job part. i have always been a little on the paranoid side.

i'm very in to baseball lately. when i was some where around 16 my dad got the idea in his head that i had a decent arm. so he bought me a glove and several balls and we would go in the back yard and play catch. i never really got in to it all that much. i mean it was fun and all but i was 16 and there were better things to be done. anyway my nephews were signed up for little league this season. so like last month maybe the older nephew robert asks me if i'll go outside and play catch with him. so i do. my moms back yard is crap. all sorts of debris and dog poo's. don't get me wrong she keeps up on the poo removal but there's 3 sometimes 5 dogs there and there's just always gonna be some poos. any way so i thought it would be better to go to the park. this turned in to my entire family up at the park playing catch. i'm still pretty good at it. and it was surprisingly incredibly fun. so ever since i've been stuck on this mario baseball game i have on the game cube. i'm horrible at it, but it's fun and i'm kind of learning the rules and positions and stuff this way. since catch is as far as pops and i ever got i really know nothing about the game outside of the obvious basics. throw, hit, run. any way so last night was the younger nephew ryan's first real game. it was so cute. but now i really want to go to an actual game. preferably with my dad or some one else who knows what's going on so i can ask them dumb questions. i've only ever been to one other base ball game. with daniel when we drove to arizona for spring training. we only caught like the last couple innings. but it was nice even if i didn't know what was going on. i do know that for what ever reason billy ray cyrus pitched a ball. but i think that is really besides the point. still worth mentioning.

i think i pissed off a co worked this morning. she's gotten stuck with the shittiest shit radio 3 times this week. she wasn't on the schedule because she had recently cancelled some vacation time. the girl who was scheduled for the shittiest shit radio called out sick. so kim got stuck with it. she wanted me to take it. since she gets it a lot. i didn't want to. she eventually gave in and just took it. normally i probably would have gone ahead and been a nice coworker and helped her out. i'm just sooooo fucking tired.

i signed up for more over time. they sent out two weeks in advance this time. told them i could stay over on all the days that i don't have doctors appointments. and that i could come in for a full shift on one of my days off for both weeks. i probably wont get any of the staying over slots and will likely get thursday full shift for both weeks. so i'll only have had 4 days off this month. maybe that's why i'm so tired. i can't imagine though since my job is really simple and i sit all day. any way the 4 days off thing sounds worse than it is. i mean i only ever get 8 any way. so what's 4 less days right? not like i ever actually have plans.

7:54 a.m. - Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2008


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