xemowhorex's Diaryland Diary


chatty chatty

so randy is a really chatty mug. it's kind of hard to hold an actual conversation with him. which i guess is good for me in a way since i have trouble carying conversation any way. one story bleeds in to another and another and then back to the original. with me occasionaly throwing out a short and concise story that relates to the one at hand. i feel almost rude doing it though. he talks so continuously that it's hard to find a polite place for interjection.

he's called me twice since the last time i mentioned it. i don't know really what to take of it. i don't get teh feeling of romantic prospect. i think maybe he just gets bored. he's mentioned on more than one occasion that he doesn't like being alone.

his kid was there tonight though. maybe last time too. i'm not sure. so he wasn't exactly alone.

ah well. no point really trying to anylize it. gives me something to do for an hour or so every few days.

11:06 p.m. - Thursday, Feb. 21, 2008


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