xemowhorex's Diaryland Diary


success! 49 wpm

i can type! well really that's not entirely true. i can't really type any better than i could 3 months ago. but i have a typing certificate that says they i can type 49 words a minute. i told you the adult ed place was lenient. they don't disregard errors any more but i managed to make 49 wpm with out any any way. i kept losing my place on the paper while trying to fix errors. she said not to worry about keeping place just pick a spot and keep going. so that's what i did. i didn't even get all the words right. some of the words i typed were real words so not marked as misspellings but they were not what was on the paper. i didn't worry about punctuation or capitalization either. i easily could have cheated by using copy/past. i didn't but the thought crossed my mind.

so now i just need to review the sample p.o.s.t test and then go take it on febuary 4th. and from there try to manage a decent interview. i don;t think i have much to worry about with the back ground check or the polygraph. maybe daniel but the best of luck to them with finding him. and i'm not going to lie about any past drug use any way so he can say what he likes. though i doubt he would mention the meth any way. i mean he's already faced jail time for that. i would lie about it. just i'm sure they'll ask during the polygraph and i'm a horrible liar with out wires and pressure. so may as well be honest. it was a longish time ago any way. i can only hope that they don't hold it against me.

8:57 p.m. - Friday, Jan. 25, 2008


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