xemowhorex's Diaryland Diary



sw: 295
cw: 295
stgw: 275

i'm starting to get really stressed about my job. or rather about losing my job and not knowing really when thats going to happen. at first i wasn't really concerned. actualy i was pretty exstatic. i thought i could just take my severance and then take my time finding a new job. then i started to stress about weather i'll be abel to get wls before i got laid off, my insurance ran out. but it thoguth it was pretty possible so the stress wasn't too horrible... and now i just recently read that some one else who go surgery just before they lost thier insurance was havign a hard time getting new insurance due to "pre exsisting conditions" that she was told that she's not elegable for 5 years because of having the surgery. she has 65 days from the time her insurance lapsed to find new insurance. so what this means is that i'll have to get a new job just about right away after being laid off. so that i can get new insurance before the old lapses. and that is stressfull. very much so.

so i'm back on the weight loss wagon as of today. which now that i think about it is a really bad day to jump back on. concidering that tomorrow is thanksgiving and all. oh well. today it is.

6:33 a.m. - Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007


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