xemowhorex's Diaryland Diary


2008 resolutions. (probably the same as last year)

keep my apartment tidy.

drink no more than twice a month.

take care of myself in general.

be good to my doggies. walk them regularly. play with them. try to train them to be good little bunnies.

get approved for wls/ or lose weight on my own. preferably the first but i don't know if that's gonna happen.

learn to type properly.

get out of debt/ learn to manage money better.

i think thats about it. i almost put go back to school btu with all the other things that are kind of up in the are for 2008 i kind of doubt thats going to happen.

about the wls approval. the 2 months they told us to wait before calling them will be up on january 13th. i've lost a total of 3 pounds... i'm hoping i can lose another 10 before the 13th. i have a bad feeling that they've already declined me. but no point giving up just yet. so i'll hope for the best and work my ass off for the next 13 days. call them on monday the 14th to see whats going on.

lanas wedding photos are up online... lana looked beautiful. i on the other hand looked like the demon spawn of barny and buda

this is what i've become.
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i'm the fat one, obviously. the girl next to me recently has wls. maybe 4 months ago. she was bout as fat as me. maybe fatter. fuck i'm disgusting.

9:50 a.m. - Monday, Dec. 31, 2007


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