xemowhorex's Diaryland Diary



i'm seriously fucking lazy. i don't ride the bike to work for dumb reasons. like needing to get gas everyday. how hard is it to get gas? i don't ever wear real shoes any more, because it takes too much effort to find socks as well as put on and tie real shoes. i wear slip on sandals daily. i don't shower daily. my house is a mess and it really wouldnt take much to straighten it up but i don't. my apartment smells like piss because i was to lazy to potty train them properly. i've gotten better about taking them out more frequently but only because i would prefer that my home not reek of urin. i bought tickets to a show at bottom of the hill last month but i didn't go. it didn't seam like ti would be enoguh fun to warrent having to get dressed, get bridge money and go stand for 2 hours or better. this girl at work has invited me to her birthday party this thursday. i'm trying to figure a way to get out of it. the efort it takes to interact with others is more than i'm willing or abel to exert most of the time. i wish i had more firends and more things to do... in theory. in reality i probably don't have mroe friends because i'm lazy. is this depression? is it just that i'm fat and have no energy? both. i did a google search on how to stop being lazy. all it came up with was a bunch of self help type shit. and that just made me feel like screaming. and really i don't know how i was expeting to find anything differant. how does one who has no motivation motivate themselves in to setting and achieving goals? i set goals all the time. its the acheieving part that is the problem. even when i was doing speed with some regularity all i ever did was read for hours watch movies and play video games. all the things i don't have the attention span to do while sober. i went out with daniel alot. but that was only because he took me with him. actualy thats not true. i wanted to do things with him. i wanted to do things with matt to but matt never wanted to do anything with me. and speaking of matt. i think that while i was with him he was in the state i am in now. but he seams to have gotten out. he has friends. lots of friends from what i can tell. how'd he change? maybe it was me the whole time. i wish i had some kind of real desire to change. as is i'm comfortable just exsisting. its quite the conundrum. i haven't the motivation to get motivated. maybe when the call center closes it'll jar me out of this. moving was supposed to do that but it hasn't.

ooooh that's right. i'm not qualifed for anything that pays a living wage, and i interview horribly. that's why i haven't gotten a new job already. why would the center closing change that? *even later still
i'm thinking maybe chp dispatch or if they're even hiring again then east bay regional park district dispatch. i've aplied for both before. i actually took the test for chp before i got my job here. i was due to go in for the interview but chickend out becasue i never really wanted to do real emergancy dispatch in teh first place, i interview horribly, i had this job lined up and i knew i would get it. the test was easy. i had no problem what so ever passign the test. i had an application in at ebrp and i went and sat with them for abotu an hour. and it seamed like an awsome job. one that i would actually like doing. i never tested for them. i forget what happend there. actually now that i think back, i don't think i ever submited the aplication. just did the sit in. that was dumb. any way i have to check on that. so i was checking out the chp site exam guid. http://www.chp.ca.gov/recruiting/images/d_guide.pdf i'm pretty sure that provided my poor interviewing skills and apperance (ie 5/8" ear lobes which srink down pretty ok when i don't have jewlery in) doesn't over shadow my skills i think i'm a perfect candidate for the job. it's still not really what i would like to be doing but it pays well and i'm not exactly in a position to be picky. i've even gotten a post certificate. i'm sure its expired by now it's been a good 7-10 years since i got it but maybe it'll have some bearing any way. so i need to work on learning how to type though. still.

8:56 a.m. - Sunday, Aug. 05, 2007


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