xemowhorex's Diaryland Diary



my computer at home is fixed. sadly all my music and pictures are gone. I think i have most of my pictures saved to disks but the music is gone forever. it is a sad day in oakland.

i hate the conversations my coworkers have. on one side a have a girl who sells mary kay and who is obsessed with mac talking to another girl about primer. when you've got to put primer on your face i'm not sure there's much hope that make up is going to help you. on the other side, it's all about reality shows. the fact that i have any idea who david archeletta is makes me a little ill. the fact that i'm forced to listen to the debate about weather or not he is too humble to be an american idol makes me want to gouge out my ear drums. don't even get me started on tila tequila.

12:35 p.m. - May. 21st, 2008


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