xemowhorex's Diaryland Diary


angling slightly upwards

so things are going kind of awesome for me at the moment. nothing extraordinary but two happy little things have happened.

firstly there was so much confusion over the new attendance policy and the date that it began that they just reset it again. so new policy is effective as of today. which means all of my absences in the last two months don't count. which is awesome because I've been waiting on write ups for calling out on multiple "peak days" so I guess I'm in the clear there. woot!

secondly I finally got my first pre wls appointment. I go in to see a psychologist on the 17th. it's funny I left kaiser a message saying that I can come in any thursday or friday any time, and every other day after 3:30pm. they scheduled me for monday at 9am. but I was able to trade days off with some one so I'll be able to make it with out having to call out sick. m a little nervous about it. I haven't really lost any weight so I need to step that the fuck up in the next two weeks. I've also stopped reading wls forums and books and things. so I need a refresher on all that.

I went out on thursday. I worked over time on swing shift. the people on swing shift are closer to my age. threes a group of girls that i've hung out with a few times and used to talk to when I worked nights. any way one of the girls quit and her last day happened to be thursday so they were having a party after work and invited me. it was fun. I had to talk myself in to going. I hate how I do that. what I hate even more is how awkward I get around people. its even worse in a situation like that where it's a whole little click of people who've known each other for years and have all their little inside jokes and slang. I'm incapable of slang any way. then next day or on the way home I try to think it over and figure out if I was a weirdo. which I was, because I kind of am by nature. but I don't know if it was obvious or annoying. probably not. I over think these things. i figure it's mostly to do with the fact that i don't really socialize often. i think if i did it more often i would be more comfortable. like anything i guess. victor (og tow truck friend) came by. that was nice. I like victor he's pleasant.

on a down note my car is screwing up. it's hard starting. takes a few seconds before it turns over. I had hoped that maybe my battery was just dying. my parents have a battery charger so yesterday when I went over to pick up my dogs I let the battery charge for a few hours. it didn't help. my dad thinks it must be something else. so I need to find an amco or something and have them run one of those free check engine tests. at least if worse comes to worse the weather has been nice so I can ride the motor bike in to work. and if all all else fails I'm extraordinarily close to bart so public transportation isn't a terribly inconvenient option.

speaking of my dogs. after a week of running around at my moms they are filthy. they really hate getting wet but I'm going to have to subject them to baths later today. they are stinky little mutts.

9:12 a.m. - Saturday, Mar. 01, 2008


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